Hampshire County Grounds Association

The Hampshire County Grounds Association (HantsCGA) was formed in June 2012 to develop groundsmanship across the county at recreational level.

Membership benefits include:

  • Information on #HantsCGA and Grounds Management Association (GMA) activities
  • Access to big savings on online and face to face GMA courses
  • Big savings on materials via the Hampshire Cricket Board Buying Group
  • Advice and assistance from Nigel Gray and Lee Padwick (Hampshire County Pitch Advisors), and where required ECB Facilities and Planning Manager Neil Higginson and / or GMA Regional Pitch Advisor Phil Jeggo

Membership is free to all grounds keepers from affiliated clubs and organisations. You can join by clicking the button below.

All affiliated clubs are welcome for free grounds advice and can contact our County Pitch Advisors by booking a ground visit. To enquire, please complete our Ground Visit Enquiry Form below:
