We reguarly update our package offers to reflect the seasonal mood, tailoring packages to wellbeing.
Whether you are looking for a quiet couple of hours to yourself or a pamper day with friends, or a romantic treat or gift for a loved one our package offers allow you to explore eforea spa for fantastic value, without compromising on the luxury experience.
Our Twilight Spa package is the ultimate evening retreat. Whether you are looking to wind down post work or simply enjoy an evening of self care, we've got you covered.
Start the year refreshed with our new year bliss package.
Meet Twilight's sister package! Introducing 'Sunrise'. Prepare to make the most of the serene hours of the morning.
A special offer tailored to Little Explorers. Let children aged 8-15 have a taste of eforea spa.
eforea spa have teamed up with FirstSight to create a new bespoke package, perfect for any mums to be.
The Exclusive Twilight package is a private hire evening experience for groups of ten or more between 6.30pm - 9.30pm
Phone: 02382 027093
Email: spa@hiltonutilitabowl.com