A service provided by MVB Health.
Ear wax provides essential protection for your ears, but an excess build-up of wax may cause blockage of the ear canal leading to discomfort and difficulty in hearing. This issue is more common in those with skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, and those who use hearing aids or headphones.
Ear irrigation (previously called ear syringing) is unfortunately no longer available on the NHS, but MVB Health do provide this safe and effective method for cleaning out the ear canal. Delivered by our expert NMC registered nursing staff, with over 20 years’ experience in both the NHS and Private Healthcare, you are in safe hands.
Clinics runs weekly at the Hampshire Wellbeing Centre, but please be aware that you will require a 7 day gap between booking your session and your appointment, in order to complete the required regime of ear wax softening.
Ear Assessment & Irrigation: £65 (30 min)
Ear Assessment (if cause of issue not confirmed): £20 (10 min)
To book an Adult Ear Irrigation appointment, please contact the Hampshire Wellbeing Centre directly via 02380 475 637, or via enquiries@hantswellbeingcentre.com.
For more information on Adult Ear Irrigation, please contact vbaxter@mvbhealth.co.uk.